Monte Carlo 65 Arrives In The US

Tags: Annapolis Boat Show | Boat Shows | DiMillo's Maryland | DiMillo's Yacht Sales | MD | Monte Carlo 65 | Monte Carlo Yachts | New Model | West River

DiMillo’s Yacht Sales has partnered with the Italian yacht builder Monte Carlo and we are now their US dealer! Monte Carlo builds a 65, 70, 76, 80, 86, 96 and 105. We are extremely excited about this new partnership and the future with this prestigious company.  Today marked the delivery of our first listing, the Monte Carlo 65, into the states.  This process is similar to how we receive boats from Coastal Craft.  They are loaded on a containership and delivered across the Atlantic.  Today, with the watchful eye of our Yacht and Customer Care Coordinator Ryan Dierks, the 65 was unloaded in Chester, PA.  From there this boat will head to our DiMillo’s Yacht Sales, Shady Oaks, Maryland marina and then finally on the Annapolis Boat show.  Check out the pictures and be sure to visit the MCY website here!


Monte Carlo Yachts


Monte Carlo 65 Arrives In The States

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