Margie & George Bevad

Margie & George Bevad

Sea Cliff, NY

George is a Financial Advisor with Merrill Lynch
Margie is a French teacher at Friends Academy

Vessels purchased from DiMillos:
Back Cove 29

Boat name and why?:
We named our Back Cove ISLANDER after a great deal of discussion within the family. This is a fitting name because we live on Long Island, two of our children live on Manhattan Island, our daughter lives on the British Isles (London) and we have all enjoyed our cabin on Mt Desert Island for over 30 years.

Typical cruising destinations:
We started boating in 1993 and initially stayed close to home, cruising around Manhattan or a day at Oyster Bay. Eventually we ventured further east to Essex, Shelter Island and Newport. When the kids were small, Essex Island Marina was a favorite destination. Since then the outer reaches of our cruising have reached Mt Desert Island and Lake Champlain.

Best cruising experience:
It is hard for me to think of the BEST cruising experience. Even a bad one is good as far as I am concerned. But, if I had to choose it would be our trips to Mt Desert Island with all the great stops along the way.

Scariest cruising experience:
On the way to Maine with my, then, teenage son and daughter we stopped in Newport over night. We did not leave until noon because one of the engines on our 28 Bertram was malfunctioning and we had to wait for a mechanic. We got in to Buzzards Bay late and about a quarter of the way in, the wind and current conspired to create six foot waves, closely spaced. So here we were, on a beautiful sunny day burying the bow and taking the beating of our life. For the sake of brevity I won’t get in to the details, but we had to deal with a loose anchor, and water in the bilge. We arrived at Onset Bay exhausted, but much more experienced than we were that morning.

Most confidence inspiring moment:
A few years ago we spent a couple of nights in Three Mile Harbor and were heading home across Gardiners Bay and were quickly fogged in. The radio talk we heard indicated that Plum Gut was not fogged in, so we continued. As it turned out the fog thickened to the point of barely being able to see your bow (on a 37 Nordic Tug). We kept communicating our position as did other boats near buy, and talked with the Captain of the Orient Point Ferry to be sure we were out of his way. Finally somewhere past Riverhead the fog lifted and we were on our way.

Top boating secrets:
I have no secrets. Enjoy yourself, but always pay attention.

Experience with DiMillos:
I have known Dave Tischer for years but first bought a boat from him a little more than a year ago. Dave is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic and takes you thru the process of purchasing a boat without an ounce of pressure. After the purchase Dave and Karen arranged for all the work that needed to be done, making it very easy for me. Dealing with Dave and DiMillos before and after the sale was a pleasure.

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