Meet the Staff: Mike Morais

Tags: DiMillo's Maryland | DiMillo's on the Chesapeake | DiMillo's Service | employee spotlight

Meet Mike Morais, the service tech apprentice at our West River, MD facility.  Mike was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up on the water in Annapolis, MD. He joined the DiMillo’s crew in 2021 and has become so passionate about the marine industry that he’s working towards becoming a master marine mechanic! Mike is the recipient of the 2022 “MacGyver Award”, since he’s known for his innovative repairs, and of the “Ambassador Award” that the West River Service Team won jointly.  When he’s not servicing boats in the yard, Mike enjoys water sports and fishing with his family and friends as often as possible. Find out more about Mike Morais and the rest of the DiMillo’s West River, MD crew HERE



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